I have big problem with time. Always got me on my nerve. And I hate people who chasing me for time, I dont have much time to do everything. My 24-hours is not enough and I wish I didn’t have to sleep at all, just like a robot. But, you know what, I’m only human, I need to sleep, and my brain will stop working if I don’t sleep. I need my brain cells to regenerate.

I have difficulty chasing my dental’s schedule too. I’m considered to be a lazy person since I have so many work to do. Isn’t strange? I’m busy person but my doctors said that I’m a lazy person. So contradictive. I always working over time and still got that label, Lazy !! Is there any college-home-schooling?? I’ll be number one person whose gonna sign in, if being a dentist can be done from home-schooling.
Present day, our performances still judged by present/absent at work or school. That ‘face-on’ mode still retained in older people’s brain who educate us. They should know, time, nowadays, is a valuable marker in life. And busy person like me doesn’t always being lazy. I do feeling lazy sometimes, but most of the time, I get busy!! I have so many responsibilities, not only as an apprentice dentist but I also have another job at home. For me, being at home means WORKING. If I got free time, you wouldn’t find me at home. I’ll go someplace to cooling my mind and breath the fresh air into my lungs. Can you understand that? Don’t even think to call me lazy, I buzz my ass everyday, night and day. I try so hard to keep up with my college schedule. At least, I try to. Would you appreciate that?! I’m still a smart girl, I read the book at home, I did my task as a student. And, ff I have a patients, I got up early in the morning. Going to campus. Treat my patients carefully. And I need to going home real soon. I hate to stick around and chit-chat, which I consider NOT IMPORTANT. Still, you think I’m lazy because I didn’t show up on your face every hours. I hate you!

Komplain buat Prof Idar yang sampai sekarang masih gak ngebolehin aku ujian karena menurutnya, AKU PEMALAS. So not fair! Please, masih ada bagian lain yang musti kuselesain!! Adakah orang yang memohon-mohon minta ujian? I guess its just me. The one and only.
O..God!! I’m complaining again. I’m sorry, but this week is so horrible for me. So tired. I didn’t sleep well, and cry a lot This is bad.
Well, afterall, this is all worthed with every single medical knowledge I retained in my brain, and the money of course [hihihi...].
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